Before VirtualBarter, we designed and developed TradeBanc...

TradeBanc, an Intertrade Internet initiative, became the premier market maker for the barter industry when it launched online in July 1999. Its vision promised to change the future of the barter industry by creating a network of affiliated trade exchanges and corporate barter companies throughout the world.

Take a stroll back in time and read about our vision the Future of Barter in this 1999 article reprinted from Barter News Magazine...

Imagine, As A Business Owner Or Corporate Executive . . .

You’re now able to look into the future...and you see the advent of one-stop shopping where the barriers of space and time are virtually eliminated. Because, regardless of your company’s size, there is a way for you to buy hundreds of products and services, instantaneously, for your day-to-day business expenses

Before you give the OK to buy, you look at all the data and are completely satisfied with the results. And this fail-safe method is followed for every single purchase, regardless of how many you decide to make. Therefore, this shopping is done with absolute confidence. You know that the cost for every single purchase is the best value your company could obtain anywhere

Not only will your purchasing be extremely fast and efficient, but it will be the most profitable your company can make, because no cash is needed. Instead of cash, you will use a different form of payment—your company’s unutilized productive capacity, inventories of hard goods, or time and human resources for services.

In other words, your inventory, productive capacity, or services will pay for the new purchases. And greater profits will accrue to your company because with “just in time” inventory management, insurance security and storage costs will be reduced.

Since no funds will be going through the banking system for these new purchases, another profit center will surface as well—greater interest earned on your cash.

Your company’s payment in full for your purchases will be accepted electronically, through sales to new customers using the same program. You won’t need to hire a single salesperson to bring in these new sales, nor will you spend a single extra dollar on advertising. Plus, you’ll have no credit or collection problems on these new sales.

For years this scenario has been a fantasy...just futuristic dreaming. Today, thanks to the vision of InterTrade Technologies, the parent of TradeBanc, that dream is now a reality... as our story reports. 

Click Here to Read the Full Barter News July 1999 Cover story...